So last weekend I got a chance to play the layout that we'll be playing next weekend. The Millennium Puget-sur-Argens 2014 layout. I'm not going to go too deep into what I learnt playing it in case any teams we're playing get an idea of our plans (there's spies everywhere!). But one thing I did find out - it's chaos!!
The lanes are a bit easier to shoot on the snake side than the teabag side and with the lack of bunkers I imagine most teams will be stacking the teabags. There appears to be a few cheeky blind shots from that side of the field so be prepared to see some people walking out looking confused! There's only a couple bunkers that can contain the teabags also so I imagine it's going to become a race to the 50. Don't forget the coaching is going to be on the teabag side for this event so it will be interesting to see how that is used and how the snake is played.
The snake does look a little difficult to play. A lot of players have been avoiding the mini M bunker sitting on the edge of the field and been crawling straight towards the M. The snake position seemed to me like a glass cannon, harder to get into alive, harder to stay alive inside, but a lot of easy kills early in the game if allowed to do some work.
What I'm expecting to see is a lot of teams getting G'd off the break, the Snake being pushed for a high risk high reward play and people getting into the Teabag 3 pretty quickly! Should make for some interesting games as it's hard to play safe on this field.
We play quite an aggressive game usually so I'm hoping it will play to our strengths - but on this field anything can happen!
Come see us on the Div1 field on Sunday at the CPPS.
Last weekend I shot about 2.25 boxes so my running total is: 36,500
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